
As with any year, 2023 will bring new corporate trends that recruiters will need to stay on top of to get ahead. Staffing is an industry that is constantly evolving and adapting to market changes. By understanding the main upcoming trends, recruiters can align with the competition and set themselves, as well as their candidates, up for success.  

AI in recruiting 

Many recruiting firms are turning to automation platforms in order to boost their productivity. Many Artificial Intelligence tools can scan websites such as LinkedIn much faster than a human, making the sourcing process much faster for recruiters. Additionally, staffing automation can assist in email follow-ups, parsing resumes, and even interview scheduling. While it will never take away from the importance of human interaction, it can help recruiters use their time in a more efficient manner, while also preventing burnout. 

Metric-driven recruiting 

Like with most industries, success and growth in recruiting relies heavily on data. If you’re not reflecting on the numbers, you will have no way of knowing where your business needs improvement, or where it is thriving. Your team should be assessing the metrics across all areas of your services – client strategy, candidate history, and the effect of specific sourcing trends.  

Recruiter Flow mentions, “Tactical metrics —like time to hire, candidates per hire, or offer acceptance rate—will still be important to track your recruiters’ immediate actions. However, future recruiting will revolve more around strategic metrics that measure the business outcomes of the team’s efforts—not just the actions they take.” 

Remote hiring 

Working from home became necessary at the start of the pandemic, but really became the norm in the last few years. Many professionals enjoy the flexibility and work life balance of remote work, while companies benefit from lower rent costs and increased productivity of their staff. Because remote hiring is not going anywhere in 2023, recruiters should be prepared to discuss these opportunities with their clients and candidates. Employers will need to be transparent on whether they can allow remote work and what qualities in a candidate they need in order to do so. 

Social media 

Many recruitment firms are already utilizing social media, but this year will demand a boost in usage. Social media tools and apps are amazing ways to communicate with your community, find new talent, and expand on what your brand supports. This is a year to really know your audience, especially as Generation Z begins entering the workforce. For more tips on how to use your social media platforms, check out our blog post How Social Media Can Grow Your Business.  

Stronger DEI initiatives 

Lastly, recruiters will find that their clients are investing more time and effort into diversity and inclusion efforts. This will require recruiters to take necessary steps during the sourcing, interviewing, and hiring processes. Taking note of verbiage in job descriptions, setting goals, and maintaining strong communication is key. Read through our blog post How to Maintain Inclusive Hiring Practices for more information! 

Jun 6, 2023

Temporary Staffing Jobs In 2028

We came across an interesting analysis of what the next 10 years of temporary employment may look like. It’s based on the biennial 10-year projections of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The government’s outlook is that overall non-farm employment will grow by a somewhat anemic 5.6% through 2028. Temporary help services — temporary workers provided by staffing firms like us — will grow by 2.3%. These are projections, which, though based on all sorts of data and history, amount to best guesses.

When you drill down, as analyst Bruce Steinberg does, the projections become more useful and more reliable. For example, the BLS projects that temporary office and administrative jobs, which make up a significant percentage of all temporary help, will decline by 2028. It’s the only category other than the farming, fishing and forestry category to lose positions.

Why the decline? In a word, automation. In discussing the outlook for all office and administrative support occupations, the BLS says, “Technology is expected to substitute or supplant some functions that workers in office and administrative support occupations do.”

Truck drivers, and the laborers who move and handle goods by hand, taxi drivers and some others that make up the transportation and material moving occupations, are the single largest percentage of temp workers placed by agencies. It’s a category the government expects will still be the largest percentage of temp workers in 2028. That’s mostly due to the projected increase in laborers. Their numbers are expected to increase by 27,600 or 3.7%.

What’s curious about the government’s outlook is that it expects the country’s need for truck and other motor vehicle operators to also grow. We say curious because almost not a week goes by without news of more autonomous trucks being tested. Could be that the predictions of fleets of driverless trucks by 2028 might be a bit too optimistic.

At the top of the fastest growing temp jobs is an unexpected group – lawyers. Over the 10 years covered by the BLS and Steinberg’s report, temporary lawyer jobs will grow 15.7%. But that only amounts to an additional 1,200 more jobs, since the total temp lawyer workforce of employment agencies will total 8,600.

Besides covering the various temporary employment occupations, Steinberg also includes charts showing the jobs with the most growth (home health aides +36.6%, personal care aides +36.4% and software developers +25.6% are the top three) and those that will lose jobs (word processors and typists -33.8%; data entry -23.2% and postal workers and switchboard operators both down 23.8%).

It isn’t too hard to figure out what’s behind both the increases and decreases — automation and artificial intelligence. The jobs that can be automated will be. Those requiring a human touch and advanced cognitive skills, nurses, accountants, market analysts, health care workers, and cooks and chefs among them, will grow.

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
